
The Imperial County Public Health Department’s vision is to have an active community where every person is healthy and thriving. Its key responsibilities are comprehensive in scope and include but are not limited to infectious disease control and prevention, chronic disease prevention and health promotion, family health, health equity, laboratory services, emergency and disaster preparedness, vital records and statistics, environmental health, and food safety.
The Department delivers services and activities through an array of programs.The focus of these programs includes child passenger safety, injury prevention, healthy eating, active living, tobacco control and prevention, tuberculosis control, disease surveillance, maternal and child health, oral health, lead poisoning prevention, foster care, consumer protection, hazardous materials management, vector control, animal care and control, and much more.
Mission and Vision
Mission: The mission of the Imperial County Public Health Department is to promote, protect, and support the health of people, the environment, and our communities.
Vision: An active community where every person is healthy and thriving.
Divisions & Programs
Community Health Division:
Local Emergency Medical Services Agency; Hospital Preparedness; Public Health Emergency Preparedness; Child Passenger Safety/Injury Prevention; CalFresh Healthy Living; Tobacco Education; Immunization; Human Immunodeficiency Virus Counseling and Testing; Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS; Tuberculosis Control; Epidemiology; Disease Surveillance.
Environmental Health Division:
Retail Food; Recreational Health; Body Art; Dairy; Salton Sea - New River Recreational Waterways; Solid Waste; Small Public Wastewater Systems; Point of Entry Pilot; Land Use; Hazardous Materials Management - Participating Agency; Vector Control; Animal Care & Control.
Health and Support Services Division:
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health; Local Oral Health; California Children Services; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention; Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care; Occupational Health Clinic and Health Services; Immunization Clinic; Medical Marijuana; Medical Records; Public Health Laboratory; Fiscal.
Strategic Planning, Analysis and Communications Division:
Information Communications and Technology; Workforce Development; Health Equity; Accreditation; Performance Management and Quality Improvement; Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Planning; Strategic Planning
Informative Brochure:
- Imperial County Public Health Department: An Overview (English)
- Imperial County Public Health Department: An Overview (Spanish)
Privacy Notice:
- Imperial County Public Health Department Privacy Notice (English)
- Imperial County Public Health Department Privacy Notice (Spanish)
Civil Rights Document:
Environmental Health Notice of Right to Appeal: