Immunizations Program

Male doctor applies bandaid to a boy after vaccination

Immunizations Program

Vaccines help protect against harmful diseases. Some diseases can make people very sick, need a hospital stay, or even be deadly, especially for babies and young children. Children need vaccines to stay safe from serious diseases like measles, mumps, and rubella. There are also vaccines for older children and adults to protect against diseases like the flu, meningitis, COVID-19, and whooping cough. Getting vaccinated helps keep everyone healthy because diseases spread more easily when people are not vaccinated. For more information about vaccines, visit the CDC website.

Schedule an Appointment

Open by appointment ONLY

To schedule an immunization, use the link below or call 442-265-1444. ICPHD offers vaccines for everyone, from children to adults. Children with Medi-Cal should bring their Medi-Cal card. If you have private insurance or no insurance, please check the Vaccine Fee Schedule for more details.

For Medical Providers

For School and Childcare

Immunization Record Request


Jovana Araujo
Infectious Disease Program Supervisor I
Last modified 01/10/2025 at 10:32 AM