Reportable Diseases and Conditions
Communicable Diseases Reporting
Reportable diseases are diseases considered to be of great public health importance. Local, state, and national health agencies require that certain diseases be reported when they are diagnosed by doctors or laboratories. Reporting allows for the collection of statistics that show how often the disease occurs. This helps in the identification of disease trends and tracking of outbreaks. This information can help control future outbreaks. All states have a "reportable diseases" list. It is the responsibility of the health-care provider, not the patient, to report cases of these diseases.
Under the California Code of Regulations, Title 17 (Section 2500), medical providers and others are mandated to report certain diseases or conditions to the Imperial County Public Health Department. Physicians, surgeons, veterinarians, podiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, nurse midwives, infection control practitioners, medical examiners, coroners, dentists, and administrators of health facilities and clinics that know of a case or suspected case of a communicable disease are required to report to the local health department (CCR , Title 17, Section 2500). In addition, anyone in charge of a public or private school, kindergarten, or preschool is required to report communicable diseases (Section 2508). Laboratories are also required to report to the local Public Health Department (Section 2505).
Failure to report is a misdemeanor (Health and Safety Code §20295) and is a citable offense under the Medical Board of California's Citation and Fine Program (CCR, Title 16 §2800 1364).
The list of Reportable Diseases includes all diseases and conditions that must be reported to the local health authority and the time frame and method of contact to submit reports.
The Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR) is the form used to report most diseases and other conditions to the Public Health Department. Other CMR forms are available to report suspected cases of tuberculosis and conditions reportable to the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Confidential Morbidity Report for TB only
Confidential Morbidity Report for COVID-19
The California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE) is a secure system that the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has implemented for electronic disease reporting and surveillance. The purpose of CalREDIE is to improve the efficiency of surveillance activities and the early detection of public health events through the collection of complete and timely surveillance information on a statewide basis. This allows for 24/7/365 reporting and receipt of notifiable conditions.
The Provider Portal module provides secure access for healthcare providers to electronically submit Confidential Morbidity Reports (CMRs), required by California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17, Section 2500 directly to Local Health Departments (LHD).
For onboarding assistance, please call (442) 265 7492.
Provider Account Set-up:
- Visit CalREDIE Account Request Portal
- Click “Provider Portal User Account Authorization Form”
- Complete and submit form
- A designated local health department staff will approve the form and submitted to CalREDIE Help
- CalREDIE Help will process the account and send the user the login credentials
- For any questions contact
The outbreak reporting portal is intended to assist (schools and childcare, workplace, congregate settings, correctional facilities, long term care, hospitals, and other facilities such as shelters) with the reporting of outbreaks of any disease (including diseases not listed in Title 17, California Code of Regulations Section 2500).
Please take a moment to review the Outbreak Reporting Training Module (Video) for more information on how to report an outbreak. For any questions please call (442) 265-7496.
Follow These Steps When Reporting Outbreaks:
- Complete and submit the electronic Confirmed/Suspected Outbreak Reporting Form
- Check your email for the Outbreak Reporting Excel Form.
- Complete the Outbreak Reporting Excel Form with all suspected or confirmed cases.
- Note: Do not change file name on excel form.
- Email the completed form to
Follow These Steps When Reporting Subsequent Cases:
- Enter additional cases linked to an active outbreak to the initial Outbreak Reporting Excel Form.
- Highlight new cases in yellow
- Email the Reporting Form with subsequent cases to
NOTE: After submission, you may be contacted by a member of the Public Health’s Outbreak Investigation Team for the collection of any additional information needed to complete the investigation.
For questions and support please email
Under the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17 (Section 2500), public health professionals, medical providers, and others are mandated to report more than 80 diseases or conditions to the Imperial County Public Health Department. In addition, persons in charge of any type of school are also required to report these diseases (Section 2508), as are laboratories (Section 2505).
Refer to the list of reportable diseases for specific diseases and conditions and the time frames for reporting. Outbreaks of any disease (whether on the list or not) are reportable. This list is also located on the back of the Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR).
Physicians, surgeons, veterinarians, podiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, nurse midwives, infection control practitioners, medical examiners, coroners, dentists, and administrators of health facilities and clinics knowing of a case or suspected case of a communicable disease are required to report to the local health department (CCR, Title 17, Section 2500). In addition, anyone in charge of a public or private school, kindergarten, boarding school, or preschool also is required to report these diseases. Laboratories are also required to report communicable diseases.
Certain diseases and conditions must be reported immediately by telephone. These include cases of anthrax, botulism, rabies, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and dengue. Two or more cases or suspected cases of foodborne disease from suspected households that are believed to have the same source of illness must be reported to the Public Health Department immediately by telephone. Refer to the list of reportable diseases for the reporting time frame for other diseases and conditions.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) allows communicable disease reporting as part of permitted disclosures for public health activities. No consent or authorization is required.
Yes, all cases of reportable diseases that are diagnosed by an Imperial County health-care provider, veterinarian, clinic, lab, hospital, or other facility are required to be reported to the Imperial County Public Health Department.
For more information about reporting disease cases or outbreaks, call (442) 265-1464 or send an email 24/7 to
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