EMS Certification

EMS Certification
Emergency Medical Technicians can be certified in Imperial County after completion of an approved training program. Current EMTs, from other counties, and Paramedics licensed in California can receive certification and/or accreditation.
A completed application packet including supporting documentation can be emailed to EMS@co.imperial.ca.us or dropped off at the Imperial County Public Health Department located at 935 Broadway Avenue in El Centro.
Payment can be completed over the phone by calling (442)265-1444 or by check made payable to Imperial County Public Health Department can be included with your application packet.
If a criminal history report has not been filed with Imperial County EMS, submit a copy of your "REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE" Form to Imperial County Emergency Medical Services Agency.
Begin with reviewing the EMT Initial Certification Checklist, all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
- Review Policy #2100 for EMT Certification
- Complete Live Scan and provide proof of service request
- Completed EMT Application Form
- Provide documentation required for certification in accordance with Policy #2100
- Pay established fee
Begin with reviewing the EMT Recertification Checklist, all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
- Review Policy #2100 for EMT recertification
- Complete Live Scan and provide proof of service request (if not already on file with Imperial Count EMS)
- Completed EMT Application Form
- Provide documentation required for recertification in accordance with Policy #2100
- Pay established fee
Begin with reviewing the AEMT Initial Certification Checklist, all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (Also known as EMT II prior to 7-01-10).
- Review Policy #2300 for AEMT Certification
- Complete Live Scan and provide proof of service request
- Completed AEMT Application Form
- Provide documentation required for certification in accordance with Policy #2300
- Pay established fee
Begin with reviewing the AEMT Recertification Checklist, all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (Also known as EMT II prior to 7-01-10).
- Review Policy #2300 for AEMT recertification
- Complete Live Scan and provide proof of service request (if not already on file with Imperial Count EMS)
- Completed AEMT Application Form
- Provide documentation required for certification in accordance with Policy #2300
- Pay established fee
- Policy #2300AEMT Application Form
- AEMT Skills Form
- EMT Skills Competency Form
- Live Scan Packet
- Statement of Affiliation
- AEMT Recertification Checklist 0-6 MOS
- AEMT Recertification Checklist 6-12 MOS
- AEMT Recertification Checklist 12-24 MOS
- AEMT Recertification Checklist 24 months and greater
- 2023 Statement of Continuing Education
Begin with reviewing the Paramedic Accreditation Checklist, all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
- Review Policy #2400 for EMT-P Accreditation
- Completed EMT-P Application Form
- Provide documentation required for accreditation in accordance with Policy #2400
- Pay established $20 accreditation fee
Begin with reviewing the MICN Initial Authorization , all supporting documents must be submitted in .pdf form
- Review Policy #2500 for MICN Authorization
- Completed MICN Application Form
- Provide documentation required for authorization in accordance with Policy #2500
- Pay established $20 authorization fee