EMS Committees & Meetings
EMS Committees & Meetings
The Imperial County Emergency Medical Service Agency coordinates the following committees and meetings:
The EMCC is dedicated to assuring optimal prehospital care and improving the quality of the emergency medical care delivery system in Imperial County. It is the responsibility of the EMCC to act in an advisory capacity to the Local EMS Agency and the Board of Supervisors on matters relating to local emergency medical services and to perform such other duties as the Board may specify.
Meetings are held quarterly at the Imperial County Public Health Department.
For more information please contact: (442) 265-1365
The purpose of the EMS Quality Assurance Committee is to ensure the appropriate provision of quality pre-hospital care services to the public in a cost-effective manner as an integrated part of the overall health care system. Providing the framework for quality emergency medical services to the citizens and visitors of Imperial County.
The EMSQA Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of every Quarter (February, May, August, November).
For more information please call: (442) 265-1364
The Imperial County Disaster Council brings together agencies committed to emergency preparedness and disaster response in Imperial County including local Cities, County, State and Federal Agencies that have a role in case of a local disaster or emergency. Disaster Council meetings include Committee reports from the Care and Shelter/Feeding Task Force, the Interagency Health Emergency Local Preparedness (IHELP Committee), the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the Mutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee (MARAC).
Disaster Council members meet quarterly at 10:00 am at the Office of Emergency Services, 1078 Dogwood Road, Suite 104, Heber CA 92249.
Sal Flores - 442-265-6000
The Interagency Health Emergency Local Preparedness Committee (IHELP) serves the purpose of the locaI healthcare coalition group of healthcare organizations, public safety, and public health partners that have joined forces for the common cause of making their Imperial County safer, healthier and more resilient. IHELP is one of many coalitions that are forming all around the United States to support communities before, during and after disasters and other crises.
The IHELP provides a forum for sharing ideas, innovations and best practices for building and growing a strong local coalition.
Partner agencies participating in the IHELP Committee include:
El Centro Regional Medical Center
Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District
Imperial County Office of Emergency Services
Imperial County Office of Education
Imperial County Fire Department
Imperial County Behavioral Health Services
Imperial County Public Health Department
Imperial County EMS Agency
Brawley Fire Department
El Centro Fire Department
Holtville Fire Department
Calexico Fire Department
Calexico Police Department
United States Border Patrol
Bureau of Land Management
American Red Cross
In-Home Support Services
Local Air and Ground Transport Providers
For more information, please call (442) 265-1388
The Trauma Advisory Committee (TAC) strives for quality patient outcomes through accountable and objective performance improvement activities. This is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, evidence-based process that promotes the monitoring and evaluation of the trauma system. Performance improvement is an essential component of any trauma system and establishes a mechanism to determine whether medical care rendered to patients of the trauma system meets and or exceeds local and national standards.
The Trauma Advisory Committee Meetings are held quarterly. Contact the EMS Agency for dates, times, and location.
Partner agencies participating in the Trauma Advisory Committee include:
El Centro Regional Medical Center
Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District
Imperial County EMS Agency
Calexico Fire Department
United States Border Patrol
Bureau of Land Management
UCSD Trauma
Desert Regional Medical Center
For more information please call: (442) 265-1364