Services Provided
The Imperial County Vector Control Program detects and reduces the spread of mosquito-borne disease through surveillance and control activities. The Vector Control Program also responds and investigates citizen complaints regarding bees and honey bee swarms. As needed or requested, the Department provides information to the public to assist in resolving problems with other insects or rodents of public health significance. Examples of specific activities include the following:
Trapping of mosquitoes for number and type, detection of mosquito-borne disease agents. (West Nile Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis, Western Equine Encephalitis, etc.)
Searching for new sources of mosquito breeding.
Inspecting and treating of known mosquito sources.
Eliminating honeybee swarms occurring in unsafe proximity to people. (Please note that bee nests must be referred to professional pest control companies that are licensed and equipped to handle aggressive bee colonies)
Providing public outreach and education relating to prevention of mosquito breeding, protection from mosquito-borne diseases, prevention or elimination of rodent infestations, and other vector health issues.
To report a possible mosquito breeding habitat or annoyance problem, please call Environmental Health at (442) 265-1888.
To report a honey bee swarm or nest, contact the BEE HOTLINE at (760)336-2252