Body Art

Body Art Program
The Body Art Program is responsible for regulating the operation of tattoo, permanent cosmetics, body piercing and branding facilities and practitioners in Imperial County. Body Art Program activities include:
- Permitting and inspecting body art facilities including tattoo, permanent cosmetics, body piercing and branding facilities, mobile body art vehicles, and special events.
- Registering body art practitioners including tattoo artists, body piercers, and permanent cosmetic artists. Review of construction plans and inspections of new and remodeled body art facilities
- Investigation of complaints regarding violations of the California Health and Safety Code including unsanitary conditions.
Staff will conduct annual inspections.
The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that the facilities are operating in compliance with the standards set forth in the California Health and Safety Code for the protection of the public health and safety.
Last modified 02/26/2024 at 10:27 AM