Temporary Food Facilities

Temporary Food Facilities
The California Health and Safety Code, Sec. 114387 requires a Temporary Food Facility (TFF) Permit of any person or organization that is providing food at a public event. All food vendors, including existing restaurants, are required to apply for a Temporary Food Facility Permit when participating in a temporary event.
- Members of the public who wish to operate a food booth at a community event will first need to contact the organization in charge of the event at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event.
- The person coordinating the event, event coordinator, will provide applicants with general information about the event, in addition to the requirements for prospective event participants.
- Event coordinators will ask participants to complete entry forms and comply with applicable fees (requirements may vary by event coordinator).
Once the event coordinator is aware food items or beverages (commercially prepackaged food or unpackaged food) will be sold or provided to the public at no charge, an application for a Temporary Food Facility Permit and an Operator’s Guide will be provided by the organizer to the food booth operator.
The event coordinator will explain to the food booth operator the requirements and standards applicable for the intended type of food operation. In addition, information will be provided about services that will be available during the event, such as:
potable water
wastewater disposal
means to dispose of garbage
If these services are not offered by the organizer, it is the responsibility of the food booth operators to make sure these items are available at their booth on the day of the event, based on the intended food operation.
The following application processing fees are based on the length of the event and type of food booth operation:
- 1-4 day consecutive day permit, $10.00 (For-profit and Non-profit)
- 5-15 consecutive day permit, $116.00 (For-profit)
- 5-15 consecutive day permit, $58.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent)
- 16-25 consecutive day permit, $154.00 (For-profit)
- 16-25 consecutive day permit, $77.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent)
- 6-month permit, $217.00 (For-profit - unpackaged foods and/or food processing)
- 6-month permit, $130.00 (For-profit – commercially prepackaged foods and/or whole produce)
- 6-month permit, $108.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent - unpackaged foods and/or food processing)
- 6-month permit, $65.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent - commercially prepackaged foods and/or whole produce)
- 12-month permit, $434.00 (For-profit - unpackaged foods and/or food processing)
- 12-month permit, $261.00 (For-profit – commercially prepackaged foods and/or whole produce)
- 12-month permit, $165.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent - unpackaged foods and/or food processing)
- 12-month permit, $130.00 (Non-profit – 501(c)(3) or equivalent - commercially prepackaged foods and/or whole produce)
Applications submitted after the two week deadline may be accepted with the submittal of a late processing fee of $75.00.
Payment in the form of checks, money orders, and cash (except for $100.00 bills) are accepted.
Environmental Health staff will review permit applications to assure code compliance within a two (2) week period. Environmental Health staff may contact permit applicants to obtain additional information not stated on applications.
After the review and approval of applications, the department will issue Temporary Food Facility permits for approved applications. In addition, Environmental Health staff will notify the event organizer of the issuance of food booth permits.
The event coordinator will be responsible for distributing permits to the food booth operators. Normally organizers provide the permits on the day of the event.
Before providing food to the public, temporary food booth operators are asked to post the temporary food facility permit on the front side of the booth, so that it is visible to all individuals visiting the booth.
During the event, a visit from Environmental Health staff may be expected to assure compliance of food handling practices and to answer any questions.
Although health cards are not required for food handlers participating at community events, individuals are still expected to follow safe hygiene practices.
For information about food booth structural and operational requirements, please refer to the Quick Guide - Standards for Temporary Food Facilities. For a hard copy of the quick guide visit:
Division of Environmental Health at: 797 Main St.Suite B. El Centro, CA 92243