Point of Entry Project

Project Update: Point of Entry Project - Phase III has officially started

Funding is provided by the California State Water Resources Control Board, SAFER Program. Phase III includes the following: 

  • Installation of 50 Point of Entry water filtration systems at homes throughout the Imperial Valley
  • Maintenance, filter replacement and water quality monitoring for 2 years
  • Water quality data reported on the POE data dashboard
  • Provide safer water to vulnerable residents
  • Replacement equipment for POE Phase I & II residents (contact our office for more information)

Point of Entry Project Dashboard

Point of Entry Project data is now available to view through our new interactive dashboard. Water quality monitoring and filtration performance data have been collected since the project began in 2019. The dashboard will be frequently updated as new data becomes available.

View Data

Point of Entry Project

The Imperial County Public Health Department, Environmental Health Division (EHD), in collaboration with our partners, are proud to continue the successful Point of Entry (POE) project for Imperial Valley residents.  The POE project is a community initiative aimed at improving access to safer water for residents of the Imperial Valley. The project provides eligible residents, who rely on untreated canal water, with a comprehensive water filtration and disinfection system that treats water entering their home, installed at no cost. Maintenance and water quality monitoring is overseen by the County for two years following installation. The POE system is gifted to the resident upon successful completion of the two-year term.  Qualifying residents who depend on untreated canal water may be eligible to receive a POE system installed and maintained at no cost during the project. This initiative has evolved beyond its pilot phase and demonstrates a commitment to safer water for our community.

To date, this program has achieved the following milestones:

  • Successfully installed a total of 46 POE systems across all program phases.
  • Conducted over 900 site visits and water quality samples.
  • Treated over 5.2 million gallons of water across all program phases.
  • Over 74% turbidity removal on average across all program phases.

Hundreds of Imperial Valley residents rely on the untreated water that comes into homes from the canal system maintained by IID. This water is likely to contain high bacteria counts and possible contaminants. To improve the water quality in these homes the POE project is committed to improving water quality from harmful bacteria and contaminants.

Please contact our office at (442) 265-1888, or email us at ICPHD-POEProgram@co.imperial.ca.us


Last modified 03/20/2025 at 2:30 PM