Solid Waste

Solid Waste
The County of Imperial Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Enforcement of federal, state, and local laws and regulations within the jurisdiction of the County of Imperial protect public health safety and the environment by ensuring safe and proper solid waste management practices.
State law (Public Resources Code) requires every local jurisdiction to designate a solid waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), which is certified by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Cal Recycle), to enforce federal and state laws and regulations for safe and proper handling of solid waste.
What is solid waste?
Solid waste includes household trash and garbage, construction and demolition debris, commercial refuse, sludge, ash, discarded appliances and vehicles, manure, landscape clippings, and other discarded wastes.
Responsibilities of the LEA include accepting and processing all new and revised solid waste facility permits, issuing permits, and conducting regular inspections of permitted facilities. Along with inspecting solid waste landfills, the LEA conducts inspections on transfer/processing facilities and operations, construction and demolition sites, and composting operations. The LEA alsoinspects and monitors closed, illegal, inactive and abandoned solid waste disposal sites, responds to complaints of illegal disposal of solid waste and conducts waste hauler inspections.