Coalición por un Condado Imperial Libre de Tabaco

Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County
The Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County is staffed by the Imperial County Public Health Department Tobacco Education Project and made up of community volunteers, private citizens, and/or representatives of public and private organizations not associated with the tobacco industry. Members of the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County, are dedicated to eliminating tobacco advertising, and promotions aimed at youth and high-risk groups, reducing youth access to tobacco products, and decreasing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
The Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County is staffed by the Imperial County Public Health Department Tobacco Education Project and made up of community volunteers, private citizens, and/or representatives of public and private organizations not associated with the tobacco industry. Members of the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County, are dedicated to eliminating tobacco advertising, and promotions aimed at youth and high-risk groups, reducing youth access to tobacco products, and decreasing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Membership to the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County is open to any individual, organization or agency within Imperial County who supports reducing youth access to tobacco products and decreasing exposure to second-hand smoke. Membership is encouraged from persons both receiving and not receiving tobacco tax funding and those with expertise in the areas of health education, media/public relations, evaluation, ethnic sensitivity, business and community organization.
Members serve a term of three years. Members in good standing attend Coalition meetings, participate in intervention activities, and take part in any of the established workgroups or committees.
Linda Shaner– Chair Person
Ambrose Ramirez – Co-Chair Person
Sara Pyle – Secretary
For more information about the coalition and coalition meetings visit or contact
Like us on Facebook at Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County