Junta Asesora de MCAH

Visit the California Department of Public Health’s Maternal, Adolescent and Child Health (MCAH) program website, where you will find data and statistics on breastfeeding, teen birth rates, and preterm birth rates.
The Maternal Child and Adolescent Health System of Imperial County works to promote, coordinate, and assess the capacity of health care and human services for all children and families regardless of disparities. Children and families are provided with opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles in a safe and nurturing environment through equal access to and appropriate utilization of culturally sensitive health care and human services.
Contact Information:
Adriana M. Ramirez, RN BSN PHN
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Manager
Imperial County Public Health Department
935 Broadway St., El Centro, CA 92243
Phone: (442) 265-1895
Email: adrianaramirez@co.imperial.ca.us